Условия — Аренда автомобилей
— Условия — Аренда автомобилей —
- Для оформления аренды автомобиля требуются паспорт, удостоверение водителя и кредитная или дебетовая карта. Водительские права должны быть латинскими буквами.
- Водительские права и опыта вождения должны быть по крайней мере не менее 2-х лет и возраст не менее 21 лет. Временное водительское удостоверение не является действительным.
- Оплата аренды должна быть оплачена до начала арендного периода. Payments may be made in cash, by credit cards or to our bank account. In case the car is booked in advance, the client must pay 20% first and the rest of the cost right before the beginning of the rental period. Payment is preffered by credit card.
- Все машины застрахованы/ All cars are covered by liability insurance according to Estonian laws. Tyres are not covered by insurance. Price includes free milage in the boundaries of Estonia.
- At the conclusion of the Leasing Contract the Lessee must leave 200€-400€ of guarantee money.
- The cars will be delivered and picked up within the boundaries of Tallinn on business days between
Условия — Аренда автомобилей
9 a.m. to 6 p.m with the price of 10–25 EUR. At other times the price is negotiable.
- The minimal rental period is 24 hours. Renting with a driver minimal period is 3 hours.
- Cars are delivered with a full tank, cleaned and must be returned in same conditions.
- There is a 15 EUR charge for each additional driver.
- Car rental – Baltic car has the right to replace the ordered car by an another one from the same group.
- Our cars are equipped with GPS tracking devices.
Условия аренды могут изменяться без уведомления. — Rental terms and conditions may change without notification.